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Demolition Depot
Categories: Amusement, Antique Lighting Fixtures, Antiques, Appliances: Bath & Kitchen, Art Deco, Art Rental, Bar Supplies, Bathroom Accessories, Beauty/Barber/Make-up Chairs, Beds & Bedroom Furniture, Brass Bed Furniture, Carpets & Rugs, Chair/Table Rentals, Chandeliers, Chinaware, Church Supplies, Columns, Desks, Doll Houses & Antiques Dolls, Fences, Fireplace Equipment, Flags, Furniture: 40's, 50's, 60's & 70's, Furniture: Agency/Client Seating, Furniture: Contemporary/Classic, Furniture: Country, Furniture: Garden, Furniture: Office, Glass/Mirror, Hardware, Kit Rental - Props, Kitchen Accessories, Ladders, License Plates, Lighting Fixtures, Lockers, Lumber, Maps, Marble, Mirrors, Neon, Oriental Rugs, Paint & Wallpaper, Party Supplies/Decorations, Pewter, Pillows/Furniture, Pipe & Drape, Podiums/Lecterns, Prop Houses, Quilts, Scenery Fabrication, Shelves/Bookcases, Signs, Silver, Stained Glass, Stools, Street Lamps, Surfaces, Tables/Table Tops/Chairs, Thrift Shops, Vending Machines/Coin Operated Equipment, Vintage Travel Props, Wicker
Demolition Depot is a unique source of vintage plumbing fixtures, doors, windows, shutters, railings, gates, grills, mantels, stone and terracotta pieces, religious objects and so much more. Our fixtures are geared towards the re-creation and renovation of period places.
Did you ever wonder where Carrie's bathroom fixtures came from? Or the interior of Baryshnikov's apartment in Sex and the City? Probably not, because it looks either ordinary or really good. Well, it came from us. We outfitted many, many scenes from the whole run of the movie, that show and beyond. What about the sets for the CBS Early Show, Good Morning America, The Today Show? We outfit 7 or 8 movies at a time, from vintage plumbing fixtures to paneled rooms to lighting and doors. Have you been to an event and seen an enormous chandelier or stone ornaments decorating the tables? We have outfitted numerous prestigious events with items as diverse as garden statues and oversize planters to the gates that provided the backdrop for the Grammy Awards Ceremony. A fair share of our rentals goes to music venues like MTV, where one highlight was the infamous shower scene with Madonna and Britney. It was one of our vintage needle showers and enormous gates that were featured in it. If you are an art director doing a production, you need to stop by and see what you can design around.

Main Contact Info:
216 East 125th St.
New York, NY 10035
Cross Street: 2-3 Ave.
- Phone: (212) 860-1138
- Web: