Web Rates
Basic Listing Charged per Category
Basic listings include:
- Company Name
- Address (x2)
- Phone Number (x2)
- Cell Phone
- Website (Not Clickable)
Featured Listing
(Designated by a F icon on the main listing page)
Your listing will appear at the top of the display list and be graphically highlighted.
(Designated by a L icon on the main listing page)
A clickable link from your featured or basic listing to your web site.
Extended Description
(Designated by a D icon on the main listing page)
Your listing appears with up to 50 words of description.
Boom Box Photo
(Designated by a A icon on the main listing page)
Post a Photo/Ad on your company page in the Boom Box location.
- Width: 422 pixels
- Height: 350 pixels
- Formats: .gif, .jpg, .swf
- File Size: 40k
YouTube Video
(Designated by a V icon on the main listing page)
Put your reel up for easy access by our on-line users.
- Formats: WMV, AVI, MOV, FLV or a DVD, BetaSP, DigiBeta Tape may be sent (for a conversion charge of $75.00)
- Max Time of Video: 7 min
Banner Advertising
- Run of the Site - Includes a Banner on the NYPG homepage, company profile page, and throughtout the entire NYPG website.
- Home Page - Includes a Banner on the NYPG homepage.
- Category Search Page - Includes a Banner on the category search results page corresponding to the appropriate category you are in.
- Width: 728 pixels
- Height: 90 pixels
- Formats: .gif, .jpg, .swf
- File Size: 40k
Boom Box Ads
- Run of the Site - Includes a Boom Box on the NYPG homepage, company profile page, and throughtout the entire NYPG website.
- Home Page - Includes a Boom Box on the NYPG homepage.
- Category Search Page - Includes a Boom Box on the category search results page corresponding to the appropriate category you are in.
- Width: 256 pixels
- Height: 123 pixels
- Formats: .gif, .jpg, .swf
- File Size: 40k
Side Button Ads
- Run of the Site - Includes a Side Button on the NYPG homepage, company profile page, and throughtout the entire NYPG website.
- Home Page - Includes a Side Button on the NYPG homepage.
- Category Search Page - Includes a Side Button on the category search results page corresponding to the appropriate category you are in.
- Width: 120 pixels
- Height: 80 pixels
- Formats: .gif, .jpg, .swf
- File Size: 40k
For any questions regarding our rates or advertising packages, feel free to contact Priscilla Crawford at!